Get to know screen readers at Tooltime
If you're not familiar with screen readers, our upcoming Tooltime session is a great opportunity to get acquainted with this assistive technology.
If you're not familiar with screen readers, our upcoming Tooltime session is a great opportunity to get acquainted with this assistive technology.
The new Accessibility Support role will support students who require a notetaker or accessibility assistant.
Our latest updates on accessibility support for Spring and tips for ensuring your subject and materials can be used by all your students.
Providing structure, a sense of belonging, and using Universal Design Principles are just some of the ways to support your students with ADHD.
Accessibility doesn't have to be complicated – follow our advice to simplify your process.
Is your Mentimeter presentation accessible? Ashley Willcox has some top tips for ensuring all students can have the best Mentimeter experience.
When it comes to supporting students who have anxiety, small actions can make a big difference.