New to Zoom: automated captions, live transcripts and recorded meetings storage
Use text alternatives to audio and learn about a change to how you store your recorded classes with these new updates in Zoom.
Use text alternatives to audio and learn about a change to how you store your recorded classes with these new updates in Zoom.
We chat to Katie Duncan and Ashley Willcox, the team who help to make sure your learning content is accessible for all students.
Download PowerPoint slides for your classroom that communicate important messaging on health, etiquette and inclusivity.
Find out about the LX.lab's online support options and the resumption of our face-to-face consultations.
How to access support if you're teaching during Summer session.
Student presenters Aiza Khan and Devashree Veerappan tell us their experience at the Learning and Teaching Forum.
We want to hear your take on feedback at this year's UTS Learning and Teaching Forum, an online event at the end of November.
Our guide to the UTS Library's three-day Open Access event.
Join researchers in assessment, inclusion and social justice at this year's CRADLE Symposium.
The UTS Learning and Teaching Awards and Citations are back! Send in your application before 29 October.