• Monday, 22 July 2024
    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Zoom – further details provided upon registration

Join us for an engaging forum focused on enhancing student learning! Our keynote speaker, Associate Professor Jason Lodge, a nationally acclaimed educator, will share his cutting-edge research and insights on student learning practices, helping us to make sense of how student behaviours have changed post-pandemic (e.g., they are showing up differently). Hear firsthand from students about their experiences and challenges and participate in interactive breakout sessions to share your experiences and strategies. This event is open to all academics, including faculty, student support staff, and students. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of student engagement in today’s demanding environment! 

Keynote Title: Bridging expectations and reality: A picture of student learning in the 2020s 

Associate Professor Jason Lodge (UQ) will examine recent developments including the emergence of Generative AI, evolving student learning mechanisms, and the impact of increased flexibility in course delivery during and after COVID-19 lockdowns. Drawing on a series of studies investigating student learning, including over 60,000 participants, we’ll discuss how students are engaging with their studies, their expectations of university life, and the complexities of their diverse backgrounds and needs. Through this lens, we’ll consider strategies to enhance the learning experience for new and later year university students, emphasising education as a long-term developmental process while aligning with the goals of the Australian Universities Accord.  

 Bio: Associate Professor Jason Lodge is a lifelong learner and a staunch advocate of evidence-informed education. As the Director of the Learning, Instruction, and Technology Lab at The University of Queensland, Jason explores the cognitive, metacognitive, and emotional aspects of learning, particularly in higher education and digital environments. He also serves as Deputy Associate Dean (Academic) in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.  Jason works closely with Professor Sally Kift (our keynote in the March FFYE forum) as managing editor for the weekly blog publication of Needed Now in Learning and Teaching. He is also an editor of the Student Success Journal 

Please join us for another fabulous online FFYE forum. Everyone in the student transition space is especially welcome.

Kathy Egea (UTS FFYE Coordinator), Melinda Lewis (TACT) and Amir Armanious (UTS Business FFYE Transition Coordinator)  

What is the UTS FFYE Program?

The UTS FFYE (First and Further Year Experience) Program is an institutional-wide program designed to support the successful transition of students in their journey through their degrees and into the workplace. The program has three foci: curriculum, people and the university infrastructure, drawing from community and connection in collaboration with academic and professional staff.

One key element of the program is community building. FFYE Forums (regular meetings) and the FFYE community (MSTeams) provide spaces for sharing, learning, and ongoing collaborations that connect research, practice, and student experience. Contact Kathy Egea (FFYE coordinator) to join.

Register for this event

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