• Monday, 1 June 2020
    12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
  • Zoom – further details provided upon registration

The sudden shift to remote learning caught us all off guard, but perhaps not more so than our equity students. Faced with studying from home in isolation from the space, structure, resources and community afforded by on-campus study, they face daily challenges around how to negotiate the demands of learning in this new environment.

Please join Sonal Singh and Amanda Moors-Mailei (Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion), Indigenous Elder Aunty Glendra Stubbs and Kylie Garratt (Jumbunna), and Natalie Gooch  (Student Services) who will share recent data and observations about the equity student experience in the remote learning environment. Please come prepared to discuss the small changes we might make to our teaching that could make a big difference to their experience.

To take a glimpse at equity student stories of their experiences, go to  My Story: Vlogging the “new normal” for higher education (NCSEHE)


Aunty Glendra Stubbs, Elder in Residence, Jumbunna Institute

Kylie Garratt, Lecturer, Jumbunna Institute

Sonal Singh, Manager Student Equity, Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion

Amanda Moors-Mailei, Student Equity Project Officer, Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion

Natalie GoochProgram Coordinator – Transition and Academic Support Program, Student Services Unit


Dr Alisa Percy, Senior Lecturer, IML

Dr Kathy Egea, Senior Lecturer, First and Further Year (FFYE) Coordinator, IML

View ‘Small changes, big difference’ recording on YouTube

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